"Rabcio" is a Puppet Theater with a rich tradition. Its beginnings are amateur performances for children staying in sanatoriums in Rabka. The inaugural spectacle took place
November 12, 1949, an adaptation of Maria Konopnicka's fairy tale "About Dwarfs and the Orphan of Mary".
Initially, the performances were held only in the sanatoriums in Rabka, then the theater went to other places, always eagerly awaited by the children. The team traveled a lot, both in the immediate vicinity and in distant cities and provinces, as well as abroad. He visited Yugoslavia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, Sweden, Spain, Bulgaria, Great Britain and Mexico. He took part in many national and international festivals, including Białystok, Bielsko-Biała, Opole, Warsaw, Hamburg, Hanover, Zagreb, Split, Šibenik ..., winning prizes and awards everywhere. The repertoire of the theater is addressed not only to the youngest audience, but also to young people and adults. The actors use a varied puppet technique, from simple puppets through Javanese, hand puppets, marionettes, masks. The showpiece of the theater are performances based on folklore, stories about the mountains and ancient folk heroes, cultivating the traditions of the region.
Currently, the repertoire includes a dozen or so titles, presented in the form of away performances in the country and in the new seat of the theater.
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