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Jewish cemetery

Jewish cemetery
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Located at Ogrodowa Street, on the outskirts of the town, the Jewish cemetery was probably established at the end of the 19th century. For many years it was located in the area of the State Forests National Forest Holding (Piwniczna Forest District, Muszyna - Majerz Forest District). In 2015, he was transferred to the authority of the commune. Currently, there are 84 objects on it, most of them are damaged to varying degrees, and some are only partially preserved. Judging by the layout of the cemetery and the arrangement of the existing matzevot, the number of burials in the period up to 1939 could have been 300 or more.


List of Recorded Objects in 1986

1. The grave of Chaim and Gustaw Weiss, d. In 1945
2. Matzevah Beniamin Szlomy Sztern, d. In 1934
3. Matzevo of Abraham Pinchas s. Szlomy d. In 1934
4. Matzevah of Izrael Icchak s. NN d. around 1934
5. Matzevah Jeruchema s. Jehusiel d. In 1934
6. Abraham Bitner's Matzevah, d. In 1899
7. Matzevah of Jehuda s. Szmul d. in the second quarter of the 20th century
8. The tomb of Izrael Weiss d. around 1945
9. The grave of NN, person d. in the second quarter of the 20th century
10. Macewa Moszek s. Chaim Abraham d. in 1892
11. Matzevah Jehusiel s. Mordechaj d. around 1925
12. Matzevah Zejwa s. Jehzekiel Mejra d. around 1931
13. Matzevah of Jehuda s. Naftali d. in 1916
14. Macewa Moszka s. Matatiji d. in 1915
15. Matzevah of Samuel Sr. Nisan d. around 1918
16. Matzevah Icchak s. Isai d. around 1921
17. The grave of NN, person d. in the first quarter of the 20th century
18. Matzevah NN persons d. in the first quarter of the 20th century
19. Matzevo of a man, d. in the first quarter of the 20th century
20. Tomb of NN, person d. in the first quarter of the 20th century
21. The grave of NN, person d. in the first quarter of the 20th century
22. Macewa Moszka s. Szmul Dow d. in 1920
23. Matzevah of Józef s. Baruch d. in 1920
24. Matzevah NN of a man, s. Menachem Mendel Halewi d. in 1911
25. Matzevo Szmul s. Jehuda d. in 1918
26. Matzevah Nisan, s. Szmul d. in 1917
27. Matzevah Szlomy s. Nisana d. in 1916
28. Matzevah NN persons d. in the first quarter of the 20th century
29. Israel's Matzevah Sr. Moszka d. in 1899
30. Matzevah of Israel by s. Jehuda d. in the first quarter of the 20th century
31. Matzevah NN persons d. in the first quarter of the 20th century
32. Matzevah NN persons d. around 1899
33. Macewa Szmula s. NN d. in 1905
34. Matzevah NN persons d. in the first quarter of the 20th century
35. David's Matzevah by s. Reuben d. in 1915
36. Macewa Isai s. Szlomy d. in 1916
37. Matzevah NN women married. Kirsza Polemon d. in the first quarter of the 20th century
38. Matzevah Chana c. Natana d. around 1910
39. Matzevah NN persons d. around 1919
40. Matzevah of Sarah Rebecca c. Aleksandra Zysla d. in 1999
41. Matzevah NN persons d. around 1902
42. Matzevah NN women d. in the first quarter of the 20th century
43. Macewa Chai c. Szlomy d. in 1905
44. Macewa Citły c. Icchak d. in 1093
45. Matzevah Ajdel c. Chaim d. in the first quarter of the 20th century
46. Macewa Fajgi Jenty c. Moszek Cwi d. in 1904
47. Matzevah Gitła c. Moszka d. in 1910
48. The tomb of Bejla c. Natan d. in 1906
49. Matzevo Bluma c. Szmul Józef Ha-Kohen d. in 1919
50. Matzevah Rebecca c. Aron d. in the first quarter of the 20th century
51. Matzevah by Rebecca Rachel c. Cwi d. in the first quarter of the 20th century
52. The tomb of Fajga c. Dow, d. in 1913
53. The tomb of Frumet c. Zejwa d. in 1910
54. The tomb of Sarah Frumet c. Jekutiel d. in 1909
55. Macewa Zeftel c. Icchak Ajzyk d. in 1929
56. Matzevah of Sarah c. Menachem Chaim d. in 1910
57. The grave of NN, person d. in the first quarter of the 20th century
58. Matzevah of Estera c. Moszek d. in 1912
59. Matzevo Lejwy c. Natana d. around 1901
60. Matzevah NN persons in the first quarter of the 20th century.
61. Macewa Ajdel Ponelpont d. in 1927
62. Matzevah Łachy Szpryncy c. Wolf's Zejw d. in the first quarter of the 20th century
63. Matzevo Tauba c. Zejwa d. in 1911
64. Matzevo Bejli c. NN d. in 1919
65. Matzevah Rajwa c. Icchak Szuwa Halewi d. in 1915
66. Matzevah of Sarah c. Szlomy d. in 1916
67. Matzevah NN persons d. in the first quarter of the 20th century
68. Macewa Recli c. Naftali Mejra Ha-Kohen d. in 1903
69. Matzevah NN women d. around 1920
70. Matzevo Tauba c. Icchak d. in 1928
71. Matzeva Miriam Rebecca c. Nn d. around 1932
72. Matzevah Szpary c. Cwi d. in 1923
73. Matzevah Ajdel c. Chaim d. in 1925
74. Macewa Tauby c. Down d. in 1922
75. Matzevah Roza c. Nisan d. around 1932
76. Matzevo Bluma, c. NN, d / in the 1st quarter of the 20th century.
77. Matzevah by Nesa Gutwi (...) c. Szlomy d. in the first quarter of the 20th century
78. Matzevah Rebecca c. NN d. in 1925
79. Matzevo Mlija c. Szmul Icchak Ha-Kohen d. in 1932
80. Matzevah of Estera Fajga Weiss d. in 1931
81. The tomb of Rajzla c. Abraham Icchak d. in 1936
82. Macewa Małki c. Jehuda Lejba d. in 1934
83. Matzevah NN persons d. in the first quarter of the 20th century
84. Macewa Cirła Hana c. Chaim d. in 1920


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Distance from the center

950 m

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